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 What is Septi-Flow?


Septi-Flow is a septic tank maintenance shock liquid. It is NOT an enzyme or bacteria. Enzymes and bacteria have a great place in a septic system. Still, they do nothing to address sodium buildup in the drain-field soil—this buildup cause the ground to lock up and not accept drain-field water over time.
Septi-Flow is not new science. It is a tried and true method to reestablish your septic field. It is a chemical product used since the 1950s to help soften or loosen the soil surrounding your septic system to get it flowing again. It is a septic tank maintenance aid that helps reverse "deadpan" or "hard soil" that has formed after years of sodium building up in the soil from the use of washing machine and laundry detergents, body and hand soaps with thousands of gallons a year pouring into your septic field that slowly accumulates sodium buildup over time, causing the soil to harden and not accept any more water or bio-nutrients from your septic system into the ground. Once the earth locks up, there is little left to do but dig up the drain-field system and install a costly new one.
Now you have a simple and inexpensive solution to digging up your entire septic system caused by locked-up soil.


How do I use Septi-Flow for Septic Tank Maintenance/Repair?

To Shock Slow or Sluggish Septic Systems:

Start with 3 gallons of product. Use 1 gallon of the product via the toilet, sink, or drain closest to the septic system outlet. Next, Apply 1 gallon of product into the drain field soil directly. After 1 week, add another 1 gallon. Flush freely with water to distribute it throughout the septic system drain field.


For Drain/Leach Field and Septic Tank Maintenance:

Use 1 gallon every 6 months via the toilet or nearest drain closest to the septic tank.


Restoring a Failed Drain Field or Leach System:

Start with 5 gallons of product. Apply a minimum of 3-4 gallons of product directly to the drain field soil. Apply the last 1-2 gallons via the distribution box/cleanout or septic tank opening. Try draining as much excess water as possible before treatment for waterlogged systems. Use a hose and add 40-80 gallons of water to the distribution box with the product to ensure it makes it through the entire drain field system. If you can not access the distribution or "D-Box," adding additional product via the toilet or sink may be necessary.
The septic tank maintenance directions may need to be repeated for seriously slow or completely “locked” soil, especially clay type soils.


Septic tanks can be hazardous as noxious gases can form in the septic tank. Opening the tank may release these gases; precautions should be taken to ensure you do not breathe these in. If in doubt, have a professional service your tank with our products.